About me
My research is focused on the Phonology-Syntax interface and Computational Linguistics. Currently, I am carrying out my PhD dissertartion, which was fully funded by a competitive grant at Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia. I have contributed with my research to international conferences and journals. I have also taken part in both teaching innovation and research projects sharing my results in international conferences. Applying my research to Secondary and Undergraduate teaching has led me to participate with materials both in journals and books. You can check all of that in my publications and the projects that I have been involved in.
For some years, I have worked as a computational linguist for international companies being involved in Interactive Voice Recognition and Voice Assistants. I have been in charge of supervising phonetic corpora alignment, natural language understanding and generating both for voice and text engines. In this line, I have focused on applications that allow the processing of linguist data and its applications to University teaching. I have designed teaching and managing resources of this kind. Thanks to all of this, I have been invited to give talks in universities about the access, presence and importance of linguists in the job world aimed at undergraduate and graduate students. You can have a look at the tools that I have developed here.
I see dissemination as an essential part of research and so I have participated in radio interviews and live streams discussing different approaches to linguistics in everyday life. All of these contents are available here. I have also created a public repository called LinguMedia with original materials on this topic, which are also intended for a non-specialist public.